How To Drop Mental Strain
The more you delve into Natural Vision Improvement, the more you will appreciate the central problem of mental strain. It disrupts our happiness as well as our eyesight. The following article sheds more light on the tight relationship of vision with our state of mind. This article originally appeared in Dr. Bates' Better Eyesight Magazines as "Mind Strain". -gm
How to Drop Mental Strain
By Emily C. Lierman, (Assistant to Dr. Bates)
There are many causes of mind strain and [many] people suffer…
Best Yet EFT "Tapping" Video
If you feel doubtful or skeptical about EFT "Tapping", this video by one of the world's leading natural health care doctors will give you a fresh perspective. I use EFT whenever feasible with clients to help dissolve emotional blocks to seeing clearly. Then the Bates Method techniques can be more immediately effective.
Dr. Joseph Mercola includes eyesight improvement in this Q&A video, and his website sells our CD program, "Reclaim Your Eyesight Naturally".
How do you proceed if yo…
Bates Method Overview
Imagine going through your day seeing clearly without glasses or surgery. Many thousands of people have reduced their prescription or stopped wearing glasses altogether using natural methods. Nearsighted, farsighted, astigmatism, reading glasses, and other conditions can be helped.
Aldous Huxley, author of Brave New World, was going blind and reading Braille when he met a “Bates Method” natural vision teacher. Eye doctors had given up on him. Huxley regained his sight and wrote The Art of Seein…
What I Realized At The Vision Conference Last Weekend
Wow, it’s been 13 years! The last Association of Vision Educators (AVE) conference was held in 2002.
Finally. We had a wonderful gathering last weekend in L.A., May 1-3. Natural Vision Improvement folks from all over the US and several other countries got together for three days. Many thanks to Esther van der Werf ( who led the charge of making it happen.
AVE members are a wonderful eclectic mix of Natural Vision Improvement practitioners, even including a handful of renegade …
Natural Eyesight Improvement with Bates Method, EFT Tapping, and Guided Visualization
[youtube] Webinar with live Q&A. Nearsighted, astigmatism, middle age reading vision, dry eyes, cataracts, glaucoma and many other conditions can be improved with the Bates Method, EFT tapping, and guided visualization.
Extreme Nearsightedness Reversed
Very Inspiring! This article was published in Dr. Bates' Better Eyesight Magazine. The writer was as grateful for his new sense of vitality and mental clarityas he was thrilled to regain clear vision. -gm
By E. E. Agranove
Original Editor's Note.—The writer of this article, a young man of twenty, was wearing, when first seen, the following glasses, prescribed three years earlier: both eyes, concave 6.50 D. S. combined with concave 3.00 D. C. 180 degrees. He also br…
Be Comfortable, See Better
The point of this article will be a surprise to most people, that a person with excellent vision is fully "comfortable" throughout their body. Can you become fully comfortable, especially through your neck, shoulders, and back? This article originally appeared in Dr. Bates' Better Eyesight Magazine with the title, "Be Comfortable".
By William H. Bates, M. D.
It can be stated without fear of successful contradiction that persons with perfect sight are always comfortab…
A Breakthrough From Not-Knowing
We had some wonderful breakthroughs at our recent Vision Coach Training in LA. One person dissolved a two-year hell with "Chronic Paroxysmal Hemicrania", which in her case meant awful pain behind one eye that wouldn't go away.
In such a case, a specialist might properly suggest massage, exercise, meditation, diet, supplements, or (according to Wikipedia) a drug such as Indometacin or Lamotrigine. But "knowing" such answers may have precluded the breakthrough.
Instead, we used the approach of N…
The Truth About Fatigue
This article by Dr. Bates comes from the Better Eyesight Magazines. It gives many hints about how to erase fatigue by using the body, mind, and breath correctly. Of course these same measures will help the sight. -gm
By W. H. Bates, M.D.
This is a true explanation of fatigue. The mystery of fatigue has been one almost equal in the mind of man for ages with the mystery of death. Dr. Bates explains not merely why there is fatigue, but the lack of necessity for it!
How To Remove Tension From The Eyes And Elsewhere
This article from Dr. Bates' Better Eyesight Magazine was originally titled "Tension"*. Note Dr. Bates' interest and excitement about F.M. Alexander's approach to finding elusive tension and then releasing it, with sometime stunning improvements in digestion or other health issues.
Several years after Dr. Bates' death, Aldous Huxley revisited this connection between F.M. Alexander's work and the Bates Method. Huxley reversed his blindness through working with Bates Method teacher Margare…